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Avacen Therapy

30 min
20 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

The AVACEN 100 is the answer for many people who need or prefer a cost-effective, easy to use, drug-free alternative for muscle relaxation to reduce pain which might be associated with a variety of acute medical conditions. Users put their hand inside the AVACEN 100 vacuum chamber and rest it on a pad heated to about 108 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 – 30 minutes. Over 4 Million treatments have been completed without adverse events. Treatment can be comfortably self-administered in the privacy of the user’s home. A single machine can be used by the entire family or multiple patients in a clinic. HOW IT WORKS 1. When the hand, enclosed in a special patented mitt, is placed inside the vacuum chamber, the microprocessor manages the application of negative pressure and heat to safely increase the temperature and volume of blood flowing through the high volume AVA’s. It is important to note that the application of heat without negative pressure is ineffective. 2. Infusing heat into the circulatory system reduces blood thickness (viscosity) and increases microcirculation. Thinner blood facilitates more efficient flow through the skeletal muscles on its route to the smaller vasodilated capillaries (microvascular circulation) which the body uses to radiate the excess ATM produced heat into the cooler ambient air. 3. An increase in microcirculation enhances oxygen delivery and nutrition to the skeletal muscles while carrying away toxins. The result… healthier, more relaxed muscles throughout the entire body. FEATURES AVA’S ARE THE KEY With over 4,000 programmed operating system instructions, the AVACEN device manages the noninvasive and safe continued infusion of heat into the circulatory system. It does so by taking advantage of a unique arrangement of blood vessels called the arteriovenous anastomosis (AVA’s) in the palm of the hand. The AVA’s act as the body’s radiator to dump excess heat. ATM manipulates the AVA’s so they can be used as a portal to infuse heat into the circulatory system. When dilated and distended by ATM, blood flow through an AVA can be 1,000 times more than the smaller capillary. MUSCULAR RELAXATION TREATMENT The warmed reduced viscosity blood is rapidly circulated naturally to all the organs and muscle tissues. In other words, wherever blood flows, enhanced oxygen delivery and nutrition occurs. Increasing the core body temperature is hypothesized to enhance enzyme* function for those with low core body temperature. * Enzymes are large

Contact Details

  • 218-626-7801

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